After Hours Services

The provincial health care system (Medical Services Plan, MSP) does not cover all medical services which are requested from time to time.

The following list outlines some of the services provided in our office, which are not covered by MSP. A complete list is available for review at the office. The fee is charged to the requesting party; this may be an insurance company or legal firm, or may be charged directly to the patient.

Payment is due at the time that the service is rendered.


A) Certificates and Forms: (does not include office visit)

  • Disabled Parking Certificate   $15
  • Return to Work/School   $20
  • Fitness to Work/School/Camp/etc.  (minimum) $25
  • Preschool Admission or immunization Summary  $25
  • Disability/Sickness/Accident*  (minimum) $30
  • Insurance Application* (minimum) $40
  • Insurance Company Form to include a review of the chart *  $110-$150
    * If not paid by Insurance Company

B) Telephone Charges:

  • Long distance Phone/Fax (minimum) $5
  • Telephone Liason with Private Insurers  $50
    (example: accident, disability, out-of-country illness)

C) Medical Services:*

  • Office Visit (not General Physical Exams) for completion of notes/forms $30
    (Third Party requests, ie. Pre-employment, preschool, back to work)
  • General Physical Exam for Third Party Requests  $80-120
    (ie. Drivers Physical, Insurance)
  • Interviews with relatives, Case Conference, Counselling  (per 1/2 hr) $60
    (if not covered by MSP)
    * when a form is required in addition to an office assessment, the fees with be added together
  • Cryotherapy for benign skin lesions (not covered by MSP) $30
  • Excision benign skin lesions (not covered by MSP) $60-75
  • Travel medicine
    – office visit $30
    – injections $10

D) Missed Appointments:  (if not cancelled by phone)

  • general office visit  $30
  • Complete Physical $50

E) Chart transfer    $40/single, $80/family

Alderlea Medical Clinic