Communicable Diseases Safety Plan (updated Oct. 13, 2022)
If feeling sick with symptoms such as fever, new cough, runny nose, sore throat, breathing difficulty, diarrhea, etc. that could be caused by COVID-19 or any other communicable disease then stay at home and follow BCCDC guidelines including doing a self-test for COVID-19.
You may call 8-1-1 for nurse helpline advice and/or complete the online BC COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool at or call our office for assistance/directions. If experiencing severe symptoms, then call 9-1-1 (ambulance).
- Patients are now being scheduled for phone visits, videoconference or in person appointments as deemed most appropriate for the presenting concern.
- Mandatory medical grade ‘Mask Up’ policy applies to everyone entering the clinic— exemptions: children 2 years and under; staff when alone in a private office space & during lunch/snack breaks; rarely others. See instruction poster on safe mask use.
- Wash hands or use hand sanitizer rub on entry & exit of clinic, before & after doctorpatient contact, when donning/doffing PPE, at bathroom and other break times, etc.
- Respect personal space so everyone feels comfortable.
- Cover coughs or sneezes with elbow/arm sleeve; change mask if wet or soiled.
- Speak softly to reduce potential droplet and aerosol spread.
- Room cleaning will be done after each patient in addition to scheduled cleaning/disinfecting of high touch surfaces (i.e., door handles).
Any orders given by the provincial health officer must be followed.